Permanent Cosmetic Makeup
Permanent makeup is the art of using pigment color to tattoo permanent eyebrow makeup, permanent eyeliner makeup, and permanent lip color makeup. Other permanent makeup names are permanent cosmetics, cosmetic tattoo, and micropigmentation. Some permanent makeup artists prefer one name to the other, but it is all the same definition of tattoo color for make-up. There are differences in the tools used for implanting permanent makeup, and differences in types/brands of pigments as well. Permanent makeup fades off and has to be reapplied every four to eight years. Having perfectly placed, fresh looking make-up all the time is an esteem booster. Permanent makeup for eyebrows ends the hassle of drawing brows evenly/ correctly everyday, or worrying if you have just wiped one brow off. Permanent makeup for eyeliner puts an end to irritated eyes from topical eye liner, smeared off smudges, watery eye streaks, and residue collections in the corners of the eyes. Permanent makeup for lips ends unwanted transfer of lipstick color to objects and people. Visual impairment, and unsteady or arthritic hands make it difficult to apply topical cosmetics. Those are good reasons to enjoy the convenience of permanent makeup, but most common reasons are: 1) I don’t like the way I look without makeup, 2) I am tired of drawing it on, 3) I don’t know how to do it right, 4) I can’t keep it on while I exercise, work in the yard, swim, etc. Permanent makeup is the solution for women who want to wake up with perfect make-up, and have it stay perfect all day.
The person who applies the permanent makeup may use the title of micropigmentologist, permanent cosmetics technician, permanent makeup artist, or cosmetic tattoo artist. Which title is used is individual preference. Permanent makeup training centers basically address the same objectives. Creativity, technical skills, artistic talent, and knowledge of facial features and make-up design beyond the bare basics taught in training vary tremendously. The different combinations of initials behind names is just being dressed to impress, and individuals use whichever ones they like best. In a nutshell, all it means is that they have received permanent makeup training. Certified means they received a certificate from a training facility. Licensed means they have a state permit for their business. A=artist or academy, T=technician or tattoo, C=cosmetics or certified, D=dermal, I=intradermal or instructor, M=micropigmentation or makeup, P=pigmentation or permanent or professional, S=society, F=fellow or member. Throw some together and have PMA = permanent makeup artist, CPCP = certified permanent cosmetics professional, CTA = cosmetic tattoo artist.
EYELINER can be applied in various styles just as you can draw it on in different ways with an eye liner pencil. Be sure to communicate your preferences such as thin, medium, thick, full line, three quarter line, half line, thicker on outer third, thinner on inner half, etc. A technician with artistic skill, experience with makeup application, and technical ability with a tattoo machine will be able to accommodate these permanent eyeliner requests. EYELASH enhancement (lashline enhancement) is a lighter/softer shading in the lashline to create the appearance of a thicker lashline - a barely there eyeliner.
EYEBROW hair simulation is a technique that resembles individual eyebrow hairs. The fill-in technique produces the solid shaded look you have when using an eyebrow pencil. A brushed on technique looks something in between the two. The graceful upcurve of the outer eyebrow is seen on many of the beautiful models in glamour magazines. Even famous renaissance artists painted faces with the outer brow arch. A graceful, clean arch makes the eyes look bigger, and the face more open and receptive.
LIPCOLOR can be custom mixed for a shade similar to your favorite lipstick. One procedure typically produces a light/ medium result, two procedures produce a medium/ dark result. Results vary depending on color applied and amount of pigment implanted. The final shape of the lip can be altered to make both sides and the top and bottom match better. A shapely cupids bow is the icing on the cake. Lip fullness can be enhanced or minimized by tattooing on the outside or inside of the edge of the lip just as you would draw it with your lipliner pencil.
What is Permanent Cosmetic Makeup?
Permanent Cosmetic Makeup is a non-surgical procedure also known as Permanent Makeup or Permanent Cosmetics. It is cosmetic tattooing of the facial features to enhance color and improve shape. Special colored pigments are implanted into the Dermis (middle layer) of the skin through microscopic injections with an extremely fine needle or cluster of needles. This process is also called Micropigmentation, Microdermal Pigmentation, Intradermal Cosmetics, Dermagraphics, Dermal Implantation, or Micropigment Implantation. Although pigments can be inserted using different types of equipment, Dr. Reed uses the most sophisticated digital tattoo equipment and sterile safety needles available.
How Permanent Makeup Can Help You
When applied correctly and safely by a properly trained professional, permanent makeup can enhance your appearance and lifestyle. Save time and money by not having to apply makeup every day. Look fresh with color when you wake up in the morning, travel, or go camping. Prevent makeup smudges when you shower, exercise, or swim. Stop struggling to pencil on eyebrows or eyeliner when you cannot see without your eyeglasses. Avoid uneven lines and redo’s if you have unsteady hands. You can now enjoy beautiful, hassle-free makeup every day!
You are a Candidate If You Have Any of the Following:
A busy lifestyle and do not have time to apply makeup every day or do not enjoy doing so
Sports activities and want to look fresh while working out, swimming, camping, dancing, or exercising in any way that causes your makeup to run, smudge, or “sweat off”
Eyebrow hair loss from prolonged waxing or tweezing, medical conditions such as Alopecia, or medications such as Chemotherapy for Cancer
Asymmetrical features and want to make uneven areas appear balanced or more equal in size such as eyebrows, borders of the lips, or breast areolas
Oily skin and your makeup smears or wears off too quickly and easily
Cosmetic allergies and want to look good without irritation if you have sensitive skin, seasonal allergies, or allergic reactions to conventional makeup
Poor near vision without eyeglasses or contact lenses that makes it difficult to see when applying makeup
Vision loss from eye conditions such as Cataracts or Macular Degeneration and want to wear makeup again
Unsteady hands from muscle weakness, joint pain, or motor skill impairment that makes applying makeup challenging (e.g., Rheumatoid Arthritis, Multiple Sclerosis, stroke survivors)
Your Permanent Makeup Colors
Artistic Cosmetic Solutions has a large assortment of hypoallergenic pigments so you can choose colors that coordinate with your skin tone, hair, and eye color. Full spectrum lighting representing natural daylight is used to enhance color selection. Dr. Reed’s goal is to create a custom designed look according to your personal preferences. She recommends a conservative approach when choosing color because it is easier to darken permanent makeup later than to lighten it. She will only use colors that you have approved, and they will be recorded in your confidential chart for reference at a future appointment.
Preparing for Your Procedure Appointment
You will be given preparatory guidelines when you schedule your procedure appointment. Specific steps will be advised such as postponing some skin treatments, taking a prophylactic medication, or discontinuing certain medications, vitamins, or herbal supplements. When scheduling your appointment date, you should keep social and/or work plans in mind. Although there is no real “down time” during the first week of healing, your tattooed features will be darker and shiny (from applying ointments) and you will be unable to wear some conventional makeup (e.g., mascara). The length of a procedure varies by type (eyebrows, eyeliner, or lips) and the individual. However, you should allow at least 2-3 hours for your initial appointment.
At Your Permanent Makeup Procedure
The initial procedure appointment is long due to many important steps. You will fill out forms including a medical history that Dr. Reed will thoroughly review. Pigment colors will be selected with your approval, and then the appropriate topical anesthetics will be applied to numb the areas to be tattooed. A final makeup design will be created with your approval as the template for Dr. Reed to follow during your procedure. After all of the prep work is complete, the tattooing process begins which may take an hour or more. Before and after photos will also be taken for your confidential fi le.
After Your Permanent Makeup Procedure
Immediately following your procedure, there will be mild swelling, redness, and tenderness in the tattooed areas that will subside within a few days. The color will be darker than what you want, but it will lighten during the first week of healing. Over the next few weeks your color will continue to gradually lighten, stabilize, and soften to a more natural look with the desired color.
Dr. Reed advocates safe, proper care before, during, and after each procedure. For your convenience and to minimize any chance of infection once you leave, a complete kit with medical grade products and supplies will be given to you at no additional cost. During your first week of healing, some steps in your normal routine will be postponed (e.g., not wearing mascara after permanent eyeliner). Dr. Reed will provide detailed verbal and written after care instructions with your kit.
Second Application Appointments (“Touch-ups”)
Most new permanent makeup procedures need two applications for best looking results. The first reason is color saturation: A second coat of paint on anything makes that color appear more even and vibrant, and the same concept applies to permanent cosmetics. Second, the color you see res ults from the pigments used plus your skin tone. If your healed color leans toward an undesired tone (e.g., too red), it can be adjusted at the second visit. Third, the color can be darkened and the shape refined with another application. Fourth, during the first procedure some tissue swelling and mild bleeding will occur that is normal and varies with every person. A second application can correct any light areas that retained less color due to tissue changes. Your follow-up procedure should be scheduled 4 to 8 weeks after your first session when full healing and color stabilization is complete.
Long Term Maintenance
Permanent makeup is permanent wherever it is tattooed because the pigment molecules remain in the skin. That is why it is critical that you choose a well-trained, knowledgeable, and experienced professional for your procedure. However, the color of your permanent makeup will be semi-permanent. It will re quire some maintenance because it will fade over the years. How quickly your color fades will depend on several factors: Following af ter care instructions, UV exposure (sun or tanning beds), skin care treatments, health conditions, medications, lifestyle (e.g., smoking), and the original color implanted (lighter colors fade faster than darker ones). Many people schedule a “booster” visit every few years to refresh their makeup color. These visits are shorter and less expensive if the original tattooing was performed by Dr. Reed.