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Pre & Post Care



Please arrive eye makeup and mascara free. Any makeup on your natural lashes can interfere with the adhesive bond and shorten your eyelash extension lifespan. It is extremely important your lashes be as clean as possible.

Do not get lashes wet the first 24 hours and avoid swimming, saunas, and steam rooms for the first 48 hours as this will affect your adhesive bond.

Do not pull, rub or sleep on lashes.
Avoid waterproof eye makeup and mascara.
Avoid all oil based products and makeup remover around your eye area.

Brush your lashes daily with a clean mascara wand.
Do not use an eyelash curler, perm, or tint your lash extensions.

Washing your lashes will make them last longer! Be sure to gently cleanse daily to remove oils.

Book your fill every 2-3 weeks to keep your lashes looking full and to receive more bang from your buck. ;)

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